PE teachers and PE students are central to all we do.
The PEfocus story began in September 1986 when Brockenhurst College was one of three centres to pilot a brand new A Level subject – Physical Education! From the word go we were keen to make PE theory lessons interactive, engaging and enjoyable, but we had no text books, no courses, no resources, no past questions and very little guidance; just a syllabus, loads of enthusiasm, hours of research, late night planning sessions, head scratching for ideas and quite a bit of anxiety!
Now, 30 years later we’ve got that same enthusiasm, along with stacks of knowledge and experience to share.
Our game changing courses consistently get A* reviews while our trusted resources will save you hours of planning time and powerfully contribute to outstanding teaching and learning in your classroom. We’re sure you’ll love them!
Our Team

Sarah van Wely
Sarah strives for top quality in ‘all things PEfocus’ and hugely values the priceless contributions of ‘the team’ – friends whose arms she twists to contribute to PEfocus courses and resources (amid their own busy professional and family lives). One of her students suggested the name and logo for PEfocus in 2005 and it has grown steadily since then.
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Pete Bignell
Pete is currently Director of Sport and Physical Education at Abingdon School.
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Wes Davis
Wes is currently teaching and Learning Coordinator and Head of Sport at Worcester Sixth Form College. A highly experienced teacher and examiner of OCR AL PE, Wes was recently shortlisted for the TES Teacher of The Year award.
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Tim Richardson
Tim is head of academic PE & Sports Science at Lord Wandsworth College, Hampshire.
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Paul Steanson
Paul wrote the PEfocus Skill Acquisition TRF. He teaches in a large comprehensive school in Northumberland where his A Level PE groups include the full range of academic abilities. He’s a brilliant teacher, writer and human being!
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