Socio-cultural studies with Contemporary sporting issues With Karen Foan Tuesday 28 February 9.30-12.30
£115.00 .
Outline: In this webinar Karen will explore the most recent aspects of emerging, evolving, global sport. She’ll spotlight on exam requirements, offer great teaching ideas, and include crucial ‘game changing’ exam technique throughout – plus top tips for reaching the highest level of synoptic success. Course materials will be emailed before the event.
Emergence and evolution of modern sport – focus on the 20th and 21st Century, and globalisation of sport
Global Sporting events – exploring the positive and negative impacts of hosting global events
Commercialisation and media
- the ‘golden triangle’
Routes to sporting excellence in the UK – teaching ideas, classroom activities to embed learning and efficient/effective exam technique linked to:
- development routes
- the roles of school, clubs and universities in contributing to elite sporting success
- the role of UK Sport and National Institutes in developing sporting excellent/high performance sport
- strategies to address drop out at elite level
- top tips linked to requirements, structure and maximising students’ marks – using directed improvement and reflection time (DIRT)
9.30 – 10.45 Session One
10.45 – 11.00 Break
11.00 – 12.15 Session Two
12.15 – 12.30 Chat will remain open
Tutor Profile – Karen Foan
- Associate Principal at Saint Francis Xavier SFC, London; previously Assistant Principal and Head of Sport and PE – Woking College, Surrey
- has taught A-Level PE for >20 years and is passionate about student led learning and personalisation
- highly experienced A-level PE Senior Examiner
- highly experienced teacher of all components of OCR A-Level PE
- a keen (and slowly improving) golfer!
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