OCR A-Level Psychological – Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology
OCR A-Level Psychological – Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology
£249.00 .
OCR A-Level Psychological – Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology
Date: 13 June 2019
Location: Midlands / Rugby
Tutor: Alan Reed
Psychological Factors Affecting Performance Skill Acquisition and Sports Psychology
Tutor: Alan Reed (see Alan’s profile at end)
By attending this course you’ll be part of an intensive, highly productive day, with an experienced, knowledgeable and approachable presenter, in a relaxed and enjoyable working environment
Benefits will include:
- hard copy materials on the day, plus electronic materials/resources via Drop Box
- increased knowledge and confidence
- application to practical situations
- practical and imaginative delivery ideas and revision tips
- opportunities given for ‘stretch and challenge’
- exam technique and sample exam style questions throughout to help you prepare candidates effectively
- review of resources and other support
- reflection on previous exams and overcoming potential challenges
- exploring opportunities for synoptic work
- reference to Ofsted best practice
10.00 – 11.15 – Skill Acquisition 1
To include
- What does an outstanding A Level PE lesson look like?
- Classification of skill
- Types and methods of practice
- Guidance
- Stages of learning
- Feedback
- Teaching theory through practical activity
Coffee / discussion: 11.15-11.30
11.30 – 12.00 – Skill Acquisition 2
To include
- Transfer
- Theories of learning
- Memory models
- Practical application – encouraging students to use their own experiences to help understanding
- Linking skill acquisition topics together to develop understanding and application
12.00 – 1.00 – Sports Psychology 1-
To include
- Personality
- Attitude
- Arousal/Anxiety
- Confidence
- Aggression
- Goal setting
- Helping students to understand challenging theories
- Bringing sport psychology to life through applied practice
Lunch / discussion: 1.00 – 1.45
1.45 – 3.30 Sports Psychology 2 (with short break during session)
To include:
- Social facilitation
- Attitudes
- Group dynamics
- Leadership
- Teaching the theory of sport psychology through practical work
- Extended synoptic questions
- is an extremely effective and successful teacher of A level PE
- has taught all theory components of A-Level PE for > 15 years
- has a particular passion for the psychological component
- is currently Head of PE at Esher Sixth Form College, a highly successful college in Surrey
- is known for his approachable and calm manner
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